Data protection, privacy and disclaimer


Ondanks alle inspanningen kan Delta Plus Systems niet garanderen dat de informatie op deze website volledig, correct en te allen tijde up-to-date is. Dit geldt ook voor alle links die direct of indirect aan deze website zijn gekoppeld. Delta Plus Systems is niet verantwoordelijk voor de inhoud van elke internetpagina die kan worden bezocht via zo´n link. Delta Plus Systems behoudt zich te allen tijde het recht voor veranderingen door te voeren of aanvullingen te doen op de informatie zonder mededeling vooraf.


Door het gebruik van deze site bestaat nooit een contractuele verbintenis of komt deze tot stand met Delta Plus Systems voor het doel van het opvragen van informatie, advies of diensten van deze strekking. Delta Plus Systems neemt afstand van alle wettelijke aansprakelijkheid die voortkomt uit het gebruik van de content en geeft geen garantie betreffende de accuratesse van de informatie die het bevat, of dat toegang tot de website te allen tijde ononderbroken zal zijn.


Delta Plus Systems houdt zich niet verantwoordelijk voor bijzondere, incidentele of zwaarwegende schade, inclusief ontbreken van toegankelijkheid, verlies van data en omzetverlies, als gevolg van het gebruik van informatie die beschikbaar is op deze website.


Delta Plus Systems & ALPIC group respects your privacy. When using our website, Extralink database, online platforms, or social networks (no matter the language), we do not collect any of your personal or private data, except when you complete one of our contact or quotation forms, in order to obtain further information about our services and/or products, or for any other requests. In this way, you agree with the collection and processing of the data you submit to us.


Delta Plus Systems & ALPIC group is committed and ensures on a daily basis that it does everything possible to protect your personal data, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations (G.D.P.R.).


As a manufacturer, distributor, installer of fall arrest solutions and service provider in the field of safety at height, Delta Plus Systems & ALPIC group collects and processes personal data relating to you, as a supplier, partner or customer, such as: your e-mail address, your telephone number, your job position, or your name and first name.


In the course of its business, the Delta Plus Systems & ALPIC group may transmit your personal data to its partners, service providers and/or suppliers in order to honour the services it has undertaken to provide to you.


Under no circumstances is all this information accessible to the public, given or sold to third parties. Only persons duly authorised and authorised by the Delta Plus Systems & ALPIC group are authorised to access, consult and/or process your data. The latter are obviously bound by an obligation of confidentiality.

Your personal data is collected and processed in order to:

  • Contact you and exchange about partnerships, events, meetings, specific needs, …
  • Contact you as part of a past, current or future file and/or to improve your customer experience and fulfill our commitments as a supplier of products and services
  • Contact you as part of our satisfaction surveys to improve the quality of our products and services
  • Inform you about normative evolutions, new product releases, recommendations related to safety at height,…, through newsletters or mailings
  • Contact you as part of the submission of your application, for a free or a defined job position
  • Offer you to get more information regarding the group or any of our parnter.

Delta Plus Systems & ALPIC group keeps the personal data relating to you for as long as necessary for the proper performance of its activity, its services and/or any commitment that we have made.

At your request, the Delta Plus Systems & ALPIC group undertakes to inform you, give you, modify or delete all or part of the personal data relating to you.

For this or any other information relating the processing or collection of your personal data, please do contact us at or

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