DELTA PLUS SYSTEMS QUIZ #5: Personal Protective Equipment

Do you want to test your knowledge about Personal Protective Equipment? This quiz is for you.

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Delta Plus Systems Quiz#5 - PPE


Personal Protective Equipment 


Would you like to know more about golden rules of individual protection in a work at height context ?

Test your knowledge or deepen it with the DETA PLUS SYSTEMS Personal Protective Equipment quiz!


If collective protection cannot be used, what are the prerequisites for a worker to work at height?

A full equipped with PPE operator can work alone at height.

Can a harness be loaned?

The PPE lifespan:

Before and after a use, the user must check his harness and lanyards.

Personal Protective Equipment against fall from height must mandatorily be checked by a certified control body at least every:

In the event of fall, what should the user do with PPE that was used to limit the impact of the fall?

Does a training mandatory for the use of PPE?

This training must be renewed:

Rescue of a suspended victim can be done by:

To get more information about our safety at height training courses, complete this form below, our team will be glad to come back to you!

Je score is

De gemiddelde score is 74%


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